Thursday, August 12, 2010

New Nudes August 2010

Things take on a life of their own. This is part of an on going project to try and combine abstract figure work with the abstract qualities of the Northern landscape. These don't fit that; but I like them anyway.

I was fortunate in getting an extremely enthusiastic model up from B.C., Emerald K., who threw herself into the project with abandon. Any excellence in these images is solely due to her enthusiasm, stamina and endurance. Needless to say the waters surrounding Yellowknife are a tad chillier than her native southern B.C.

Special mention of Greg at Bluefish Services in Yellowknife who boated us around to shoot at the mouth of the Bay. In addition to carting nude models, Greg also runs a fishing charter for visitors to Yellowknife.

Cameron Falls, Cameron River, NT

Cameron River, NT

Cameron River, NT

Island, Yellowknife Bay, NT

Old Hudson Bay Building, Yellowknife, NT

More work from this shoot will appear as I have time to process it. At the moment, cutting cordwood is a priority. Winter isn't that far away in the North.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Indoors in a Yellowknife winter

Despite the fact that Northern temperatures have been well above average this year, cabin fever is starting to set in.

Various people have different means or coping in order to avoid the extreme grumpies that can accompany this state.

Frozen Eyes Photographic Society had a model workshop this past weekend to teach people how to use studio lighting. While I did more instruction than shooting, below are a few of the result I had given an hour to take some pics.